Real Analysis MCQs with answers

Real Analysis MCQs with answers

To master Real Analysis, focus on these 69 key questions, a compilation of the most frequently encountered and crucial concepts. Attempt them to solidify your understanding, and reveal the solutions for immediate feedback. Success awaits!

Real Analysis MCQs at

1. Every pair of real numbers a and b satisfied the following conditions a >  b, a = b, a < b . This property known as


2. The intersection of two infinite sets is


3. Set of numbers which have ordered fields


4. If f is differentiable at x ε [ a, b] then f at x is


5. Bounded monotonic sequence will be increasing if it converges to its


6. The range of sequence


7. A continuous function from bounded [a , b] to R


8. Every infinite sequence in a compact metric space has a subsequence which


9. An improper Reimann Integral can without infinite


10. The signm function is not continuous at


11. which of the following statements is not correct ?


12. {\dpi{120} \small {1 + (-1)^n }} is


13. (Q, +, .) is


14. A sequence is a function whose domain is


15. A convergent sequence converges to


16. In a complete metric space


17. An improper Reimann Integral can without infinite


18. Set of natural number is


19. which function is continuous everywhere


20. Natural Numbers are


21. Every superset of an infinite set is


22. Cauchy sequence of real numbers is


23. If L is the tangent line to a function f at x = a then


24. Supremum and infimum of \dpi{120} \small { (-1)^x } : x \in N


25. If a function is strictly monotone then It is


26. which series is divergent series


27. No polynomial of degree _________ is Lipschitzian on R .


28. If function is Reimanns integrable on [ a, b] then function must be


29. Every bounded sequence has a subsequence which


30. Sup (X) =


31. The greatest lower bound of a set


32. Every non empty bounded set of real numbers has a infimum . This property is referred to as


33. \dpi{120} \small \frac{(-1) ^{n-1}}{n!} converges to limit


34. The sequence of real numbers is ________ if and only if it is cauchy sequence.


35. Which of the following has not multiplicative inverse


36. A metric (X,d) is complete if every cauchy sequence in X


37. Natural numbers and integers are


38. The function f(x)= x + 1/x is uniformly continuous on


39. If we have an inflection point x = a then


40. The set of all ___________ numbers form a sequence.


41. If S={1\n | n £ N } the g.l.b of S is


42. Every subset of a finite set is


43. If f is differentiable in [ a, b] then it is monotonically decreasing if


44. The set of negative integers is


45. If there exists a bijection of N onto S then set is known as


46. If g.l.b of a set belong to the set then


47. If \dpi{120} \small x , y \in R then


48. If a sequence is unbounded or it does not converge then this sequence is called


49. Real number system consist of


50. If f is contractive then f is


51. The converse of Cauchy integral theorem is known as


52. For two real numbers x and y with x > 0 , there exist a natural number n s.t


53. Every constant sequence is


54. If least upper bound exists  then it is


55. A sequence is said to be divergent if it is


56. Supremum and infimum of an empty set is


57. what is supremum and infimum of R is


58. The set of all real transcendental numbers is


59. which of the following is not countable set


60. Set Q of the all rational numbers is


61. If f'(x) exists then it is constant function


62. The set of real number can be denoted as


63. (-∞)+(+∞)=


64. Let S be a set of real numbers. Then S has a supremum if S has


65. For every closed subset of R , the real line is


66. The set of all real algebric numbers is


67. Bounded monotonic sequence will be decreasing if it converges to its


68. If f is differentiable in [ a, b] then it is monotonically increasing if


69. If f is real valued and monotonic on [a , b] then f is


Real analysis 2 mcqs with answers

In this section, there are real analysis 2 mcqs with answers. These mcqs consist of 50+ most repeated and most important questions.  These mcqs were prepared according to the pattern of all kinds of test preparations. So prepare these mcqs for preparation of all tests. Good Luck

Mechanics MCQs 01

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