About Us

About us

Pakmath was established in Dec 2018 in response to an expressed the need for preparation of mathematics( PPSC, FPSC, GAT General, GAT Subject, GRE Mathematics, M.Phil Test , P.hD Test and NAT etc)  for all level of  mathematics programmes. 

PAKMATH Management

Who we are?

PAKMATH conducts MCQs tests and assessments for admissions, scholarships, recruitment and promotion purposes. 

PAKMATH is now playing a pivotal role in promoting  quality education at college and university level. PAKMATH always strives for excellence and ensures quality, efficiency, reliability, accuracy and most significantly credibility of entire system in a transparent manner under strict security arrangements. PAKMATH MCQS tests and assessments are now pre-requisite of many prime public and private sector engineering, medical, colleges, universities and institutions for admission and PAKMATH also conducts assessment tests for recruitment in public & private organizations.


MISSION: To build and promote  educational testing MCQS and assessment


  1. To conduct efficient, transparent and international standards tests in order to assess the competency of candidates for admission, scholarship and recruitment purposes.
  2. To build capacities of the educational and professional individuals and institutions by professional certification through testing and assessment; and
  3. To produce and disseminate information and research on education and professional development standards.


Resolve to maintain and improve credibility among the stakeholders about its work.


Work together effectively to serve the larger society.


 Constantly challenge ourselves to the highest levels of learning and performance, to achieve greater impact.

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