41. Composition of Alchemy” is written by
(A) Nasiruddin Tusi
(B) Ibn Al Haithem
(C) Jabir bin Hayan
(D) Ibn Rushd
Check Answer- The book ‘Al Qanun fi al Tib’ is written by:
(A) Ibn Rushd
(B) Al Beruni
(C) Abu Ali Sina
(D) Al Baltani
Check Answer43. Chile has the longest shore along:
(A) Pacific Ocean
(B) Atlantic Sea
(C) Black Sea alis
(D) Mediterranean Sea
Check Answer- Growth domestic product Pakistan is growing at the rate of:
(A) 7%
(B) 2%
(C) 3.7%
(D) 5.6%
Check Answer45. Agriculture, the key sector in the Pakistan economy accounts for
(A) 51% of G.D.P.
(B) 21% of G.D.P.
( C) 28%% of G.D.P.
D) 25% of GDP.
Check Answer46. The Earth is more close to the Sun in:
(A) July
(B) January
(C) September
(D) June
Check Answer47. Time required for a computer to locate and transfer data is called:
(A) Access time
(B) Analogue time
(C) Esse time
(D) Starting time
Check Answer48. A device which encodes characters by the depression of keys is known
Hard drive
(B) Printer
(C) Keyboard
(D) Mouse
Check Answer49. Mixture of two metals Is called:
(A) Macleod
(B) Dispersant
(C) Alloy
(O) Amalgam
Check Answer50. The area inside a computer frame and maxillary where date and Instructions stored is called:
(A) Memory
(B) Hooper
(C) interpreter
(D) Recorder
Check Answer