Algebra mcqs tests 06

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1. Let H be a normal subgroup of G then Quotient Group G/H  is represented as


2. The  Set \small C_n=[e^{2\pi ki/n} : k={0,1,2,3,...}] is a cyclic group of order


3. Let A and B subgroups of a group such that A is normal G then normal suproup of B is


4. The set which is neither finite nor countable is known as


5. If \small H_1 \,\ and \,\ H_2 be the subgroups of a group G then \small H_1\cup H_2 is a subgroup of G if and only if


6. Every group whose order is a prime number is necessary


7. In a group G if there are n integers such that \small a^n=e then order of a group is


8. Two Conjugate elements have


9. If \small u,v \in G and for some \small x \in G  then v is known as conjugate of u if 


10. Every group in which each non identity element is of order 2 is


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