Algebra mcqs tests 06 05/08/202013/03/2019 by admin Algebra MCQs Test 03 Please enter your email: 1. If be a function and for then function is known as 1-1 Onto Constant Identity 2. Every group of order square of prime number is known as Both Cyclic and Abelian cyclic group Normal group Abelian Group 3. Subgroup G generated by all commutators [u, v] such that u,v∈G then it is known as Abelian Normal Subgroup Commutator subgroup Commutator and Normal Subgroup 4. A homomorphic image of cyclic group is Non Cyclic Abelian Cyclic Isomorphic 5. If H is a normal subgroup of G then H≠G H=G HG=H gH=Hg 6. Let (Z,+) and (E,+) be the groups of integers and even numbers with mappings F:Z→E s.t f(x)=2x for all x∈ Z then function f is known as None of these Monomorphism Epimorphism Homomorphism 7. An endomorphism is said to be automorphism if is 1-1 Identity onto Bijective 8. Let H be a subgroup of G and for fixed element of G then we define then K is Normal Conjugate subgroup of H Trivial Center 9. Let H and G be the two groups and H⊆G then None of these 10. Every group of order prime is Abelian Group Mixed group Normal group Simple group Loading … Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9