Algebra mcqs Test 09 29/11/202016/03/2019 by admin Please enter your email: 1. If and for some then v is known as conjugate of u if 2. If be the subgroups of a group G then is a subgroup of G if and only if 3. Let H be a normal subgroup of G then Quotient Group G/H is represented as 4. Every group in which each non identity element is of order 2 is Normal Abelian Conjugate Cyclic 5. Two Conjugate elements have No Order Same Order None Different Order 6. The set which is neither finite nor countable is known as Finite and Uncountable Uncountable infinite finite 7. Every group whose order is a prime number is necessary Non-Cyclic Non-Abelian Cyclic aBELIAN 8. Let A and B subgroups of a group such that A is normal G then normal suproup of B is 9. The Set is a cyclic group of order n 2 1 0 10. In a group G if there are n integers such that then order of a group is abelian Zero Finite Infinte Loading … Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9