Algebra mcqs Test 09 29/11/202016/03/2019 by admin Algebra MCQs Test 03 Please enter your email: 1. An endomorphism is said to be automorphism if is Identity Bijective 1-1 onto 2. Every group of order prime is Mixed group Normal group Simple group Abelian Group 3. Every group of order square of prime number is known as Abelian Group Normal group Both Cyclic and Abelian cyclic group 4. If H is a normal subgroup of G then H≠G H=G HG=H gH=Hg 5. A homomorphic image of cyclic group is Isomorphic Cyclic Non Cyclic Abelian 6. Let H and G be the two groups and H⊆G then None of these 7. Let H be a subgroup of G and for fixed element of G then we define then K is Center Conjugate subgroup of H Trivial Normal 8. If be a function and for then function is known as Onto 1-1 Constant Identity 9. Let (Z,+) and (E,+) be the groups of integers and even numbers with mappings F:Z→E s.t f(x)=2x for all x∈ Z then function f is known as Epimorphism None of these Homomorphism Monomorphism 10. Subgroup G generated by all commutators [u, v] such that u,v∈G then it is known as Commutator subgroup Abelian Commutator and Normal Subgroup Normal Subgroup Loading … Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9