Algebra MCQs Test 05

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1. Let G be a cyclic group of order 24. Then order of a^9 is


2. Let G be a finite group. Let H be a subgroup of G . Then which of the following divides the order of G


3. If X and Y are two sets, then X∩(XUY)’=0


4. Any group G van be embedded in a group of bijective mappings of certain sets is a statement of


5. The set of cube roots of unity is a subgroup of


6. The union of all positive even and all positive odd integers is


7. Let An be the set of all even permutations of Sis a subgroup of Sn. Then order of Ais


8. The symmetries of rectangle form a


9. Which of the following is abelian


10. Let D_4=\left \{ <a,b>;a^4=b^2=(ab)^2=1) \right \} be a dihedral group of order 8. Then which of the following is a subgroup of D4


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