Algebra MCQs Test 03 05/08/202011/03/2019 by admin Please enter your email: 1. Group obtained by the direct product of sylow- p group is center abelian normal commutator 2. Aytomorphism group of a finite group is finite infinite normal abelian 3. Every group of order where P is a prime number is abelian cyclic normal conjugate 4. Two conjugate subgroups are Homomorphic Isomorphic Centralizer normal 5. Equivalence relation between subgroups of a group is a relation Homomorphic congugacy Isomorphic Isomorphic and congugacy 6. Every subgroup of an abelian group is Equivalent Normal Conjugate center 7. The intersection of any collection of normal subgroups of a group is Abelian Normal Not Abelian Equivalent 8. Any two conjugate subgroups have same none of these center order and center order 9. Automorphism and inner automorphism of a group G are conjugate none of these abelian normal 10. The set A(G) of all automorphism ofa group is Normal group Not Group Group None of these Loading … Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9